8 language teachers and 3 professional business background teachers (Business administration, tourism, accounting, and supply chain management) are needed in Hunan University of Commerce for the academic year of 2018. If you are from English speaking countries with a Bachelor’s Degree (or above) and two years of teaching experience, and are under 60 years of age, please send your application to 252908778@qq.com. Our salary range is 6000 to 8000 for language teachers and 8000-12000 for specialized teachers, plus 12000 a year for air ticket and traveling allowance, 200 RMB a month for lunch allowance (10 months for a year), accommodation with free water and electricity use, and so on. If you don’t need school apartment, we provide RMB 5000 reimbursement for your water and electricity cost. The maximum teacher hours will not exceed 18 in a week. University Address: Room 610, Second Office Building, # 569 Yuelu Ave., Yuelu District, Changsha, Hunan Province, P. R. China.
Office Tel: (0086)73188689118. Please make an appointment for an interview by calling Ms. Wu (Miranda: 13874825049.)
Documents needed:
1. 申请人及随行家属(如有)的护照和签证; Passport and visa page
2. 申请人及随行家属正面免冠照片(电子照片)和国内地址、电话、邮箱;Digital photo, home telephone number and address, and email
3. 随行家属与申请人关系证明(如结婚证);Family relationship certification (if family member accompanying)
4. 最高学位证书或专业资格证明材料(需要经中国驻法国大使馆公证);Notarized last degree certificate.
5. 申请人及18周岁以上随行家属体检证明《外国人体格体检表》; Health check report within 6 months
6. 申请人英文简历; Resume in English
7. 申请人本人签名的无犯罪记录认证;Notarized non-criminal record from home country’s police office
金敏 (Jennifer): 252908778@qq.com; Mobile: +86 139 7510 8285 Office Tel:+8673188689118
709632510@qq.com; Mobile: +86 186 9229 0113 Office Tel:+8673188689118